Spotlight — “Dottie”

Dottie was my dog.  She didn’t start out as my dog.  In fact, at two years of age, she was adopted from a shelter by my future boyfriend.  By the time I moved in with her, she was already four, and she still hadn’t gotten past whatever abuse she had suffered before the shelter.  I introduced stability and security into her life, and she eventually got over her fears.  When I moved out, she came with me, because she responded better to me.  She lived to be about 12 1/2 years old and was a healthy happy dog.

Dottie was one of my earlier pastel drawings.  Because she was blue merle and had that funky eye, I felt that she would be a huge challenge for me to draw, and if I could draw her, then I could start to offer pet portraits on commission.  So in a way, her drawing was very important to my art career.  I had already drawn her in pencil and in pen, but as my skills increased, I felt comfortable enough to try her in color.  It was an interesting exercise in color, because none of my pencils was quite right, so I had to do a certain amount of color mixing for the first time.

Once I was satisfied with Dottie’s portrait, I felt confident in my ability to draw whatever dog someone might want me to draw.  By this time I had drawn a number of pets belonging to friends and family members, honing my skills.  My earliest pieces were definitely a learning experience, and necessary for me to build my skill and portfolio.  Now I can draw whatever pet people need me to draw.  I even drew a llama once!

The drawing of Dottie is not for sale.  No prints exist.

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