Tin Lizzy

I have always liked antique cars. I finally decided to draw one. I had a photograph of a car that I had run across in a parking lot, and I figured that would be a great thing to draw. I wouldn’t even have to rely on someone else’s photo!

I was bored before I even finished the line drawing. As it turns out, I am only interested in a particular look, not antique cars in general. Although I liked the car, I did not love it. I ended up scouring the Internet anyway, looking for the right photo.

When I found this photo, I was very afraid of becoming bored again with the line drawing. For the second time ever, I actually asked myself, “what is most important?“ I decided that for me, the most important features of the car were the wooden wheels, the grill, and the lights. So I cropped the photo accordingly and got to work. The end result was one of my most technically impressive pieces. Probably also my favorite.

“Tin Lizzy”
1914 Model T
11 x 16″
Pastels on Pastelmat
Reference photo by Bob Adams

P.S. after I finished this piece, I joined a model T group on Facebook so that I could show it off. Imagine my surprise when the owner of the car, NOT Bob Adams, said that it was drawn from a photograph of his car! He did not show any interest in buying a print. 😕

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